"Blaazer has a wonderful voice, bore a confident stage presence and delivery that defied ... an outstanding show." 13thfloor.co.nz
Two shows just announced!
Dec 8 & 9
Garnet Station Tiny Theatre
Tix at UTR
Wichita, Waterloo, Phoenix, Te Atatu.
Simple names on a piece of paper but then, so much more besides.
It's not even about the places, although they are the stages where the stories play out, tales of everyday life and people.
It’s these stories that are left holding all the memories, the regrets and
​with luck, ​a good tune.
the Lights
Te Atatu
180g lp now available
in all good retailers
or click the 'buy music" tab
read the reviews :
“The songs ... they sound like classics, fearless and perfect.”
Nick Bollinger, RadioNZ
“He makes those lights seem magical and resonant … fine songs.”
Graham Reid, elsewhere.co.nz
“Gorgeous arrangements make this record so very special.
Your heart might just break.”
Grant Smithies, Sunday Star Times

Dominic Blaazer; singer/songwriter.
Born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica, found myself in London then matured in Auckland.
Boys Will Be Boys, 1982 - two Moogs, a Roland and a borrowed Oberheim. Me, Simon and Sarah.
Then came A Riot of Colour with a C86-era John Peel session and three 12" singles, one unreleased. After a spell in The Chills came lounge supremos, The Peter Stuyvesant Hitlist. We took on Vegas without having to leave the country. Smoothy was next, with "The Shock of The Smooth" a shapely calling-card.
Diverse journeys include Phase 5 on Richard Dorfmeister's excellent A Different Drummer Selection and quality-time alongside SJD, Don McGlashan and The Clean, for good measure.
I've absorbed much along the way so welcome to my own world of music.
December 8 & 9 2023
Dominic Blaazer with SoLo
Garnet Station Tiny Theatre, Westmere
Two musicians, two nights.
Music starts at 8, all-ages.
GA tickets $20 from UTR

the collection
Photos © Christian Irwin 2017

I always wanted to be a frustrated lounge singer.

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